Sadly, Phoebe lost her battle with many chronic conditions. Her loving foster parents said their tearful goodbyes and gently helped her on her final journey. Phoebe touched so many while she was with us. She taught us many lessons, one of which was perseverance. Despite so many issues, she woke each day with a grateful heart full of love and optimism. We miss her. Thank you to everyone who supported Phoebe in so many ways and a very special thank you to her foster parents who loved her each and every moment. We couldn’t have done it without them.
“The time is always right to do the right thing” Martin Luther King Jr.
Wise words and they seem to apply in this case. Phoebe came into our lives several months ago. Since then we’ve had her evaluated by a few different vets and together with our Board of Directors and her loving foster home we all agree she will be a permanent resident of Arctic Spirit Rescue. It’s never a decision to be taken lightly and many factors come into play when making a decision like this. As we know, Phoebe has numerous chronic health issues that need to be carefully managed. This requires frequent testing, numerous medications, and a committed local foster home. We have those ingredients and feel it’s in Phoebe’s best interest to be kept in a stable, consistent environment where she’s happy. Her well being is our priority.
Obviously, a commitment like this comes with a significant price tag and we’ll need help. In the near future, we’ll be announcing opportunities for sponsorships and fundraisers to help us with her veterinary care. In the meantime, please consider clicking the DONATE button on this page and making a donation – even small donations help. In return, we will all enjoy Phoebe’s steadfast, positive spirit through images and appearances at various events. The Board of Directors and Phoebe thank you all for caring!