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The Lucky 11!

By July 21, 2017December 11th, 2024No Comments

This month marks the one year anniversary of the launch of Arctic Spirit Rescue! Make no mistake, it hasn’t all been fun and games but it has been satisfying. There’s no better feeling than to know your efforts and hard work are saving lives. Collectively, our Directors have well over 30 years of experience in the rescue world. This experience is invaluable and allows us to effectively manage the day to day requirements and responsibilities that come with a professional non profit rescue.

We came together and set our sights on excellence right from the start. There were countless hours of meetings and planning sessions which are necessary to do things correctly and professionally. We surrounded ourselves with other experienced professionals – attorneys, accountants, a graphic artist, a technology specialist, an analytics professional, photographers, a groomer, a team of veterinarians, a canine behaviorist and trainer, and many more talented and well trained individuals. This level of professionalism opened many doors which allowed us to make many new friends. People began to realize we were different, innovative, and focused. During this first year we were able to save 11 dogs, all of which were from our immediate area. That surpassed our expectations and we might just be gloating a little!

We won’t rest there. There’s much more work to be done. We’ve identified our goals for year two and with the help and support of the communities around us, we’re confident we’ll achieve those goals. Thank you to everyone who has joined the Arctic Spirit Rescue team. We can’t wait to see what the future holds!