Hi, everyone! Lucy here. With the weather rising to unbelievable temperatures with sticky humidity these days, I wanted to tell you a story about my little brother, Kosmo. Kosmo went to the Rainbow Bridge last summer, so it’s up to me to pass on this important information. It’s summertime where I live and it’s HOT. As you know, we Malamutes and Huskies do not like the hot weather. Please don’t shave us, though! Believe it or not, our fur helps keep us cool and protects our skin in the summer, just like it helps keep us warm in the winter. Anyway, in his search for a nice cool spot, Kosmo learned that those metal rectangles on the floor actually blow out cold air!
So, Kosmo immediately chose his new favorite spot to nap in during the summer. Then one day he decided he would try to carry the metal thing around with him so he could keep cool wherever he went. He was clever!

Ahhhh….Air Conditioning!
Mom said no, however, and took the metal thing off his collar to put it back on the floor. It was a good idea by Kosmo, I thought. Maybe some of you will get lucky and your Mom or Dad will let you carry yours around so you can stay nice and cool all the time!