Last Sunday May 7th was the annual DeBella Dog Walk at Green Lane Park in Green Lane, PA. Arctic Spirit Rescue had the honor of attending this fantastic event run by the John DeBella Show and 102.9 WMGK of Philadelphia. Despite getting rained out the day before, dog rescues, vendors, and attendees were still there in full force.

It was a great opportunity for the Arctic Spirit Rescue dogs and volunteers to make some new friends (2 and 4-legged varieties alike!). Even newcomer Tamika had a great time meeting new people at her very first public appearance!

As always, the event ran flawlessly, all thanks to the WMGK team and of course John DeBella himself. We’d like to thank everyone involved with making the event happen, as well as all of the volunteers and attendees that made it possible. Be sure to check out the video recap above, or watch it on the Arctic Spirit Rescue YouTube Channel. You can also see more photos from the event via the Facebook photo album.