Meet the success stories! This is what we all work so hard for. Congratulations to all of our families.

We've been adopted!
Sometimes things are just meant to be! Dallin really lucked out when he landed in a foster home with years of experience with sight-impaired Huskies. Poor Dallin not only had to adjust to another change but we also learned his condition was more complicated and painful than we had anticipated. The decision was made to have our friends at Metropolitan Veterinary Associates perform a bilateral enucleation. He recovered nicely and his loving foster parents helped him progress. During that process, they realized he was meant to be with them. We agree! Congratulation to Dallin and his new forever home!
eeghfomhAugust 21, 2022
This spunky senior mix found herself a forever family! Sasha needed an adopter that was able to provide a yard that keeps Sasha where she belongs. This stealthy escape artist is doing well with her canine siblings and is loved by all. Congratulations to Sasha and her new pack!
eeghfomhAugust 14, 2022
Sojo went from a nameless commercial breeder to a much loved family member. She now knows what unconditional love, soft blankets, gentle voices, and yummy dog treats are. We always love it when previous adopters come back to us to adopt one of our dogs! Congratulations to all!
eeghfomhJune 27, 2022
Shadow found his forever home! Actually, he didn’t have to look too far. His foster parents decided he belongs with them. Part of our foster agreement is giving our foster homes the first opportunity to adopt their foster dog. We couldn’t be happier for this handsome guy! Congratulations to all.
eeghfomhMarch 20, 2022
We just love happy endings and in Maya’s case, Subaru was the matchmaker! Maya’s adopters met her at Subaru’s 2021 Make a Dog’s Day Fest in Chester, PA. It was love at first sight for this beautiful senior Siberian Husky and her new people. We received an adoption application immediately and it was a perfect match. We are always so grateful when well organized events are made available by companies such as Subaru. Social media venues and websites are also helpful to help available dogs find new homes but in-person events are so important not only to make great matches…
eeghfomhDecember 29, 2021
We are so pleased to announce the adoption of Bear – our gentle giant. Bear was very popular and we received many inquiries but ASR is always committed to finding the perfect home no matter how long it takes. We were looking for a home that had Alaskan Malamute experience and one that would continue with his training. Bear came to us with some insecurities and anxieties but he has made so much progress in his foster home. We knew that he would continue to thrive in the right forever home. Congratulations to all!
eeghfomhDecember 29, 2021